Flygon - 99/149 - Holo Rare
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Extra Info
Set: Boundaries Crossed
Card Number: 99/149
Rarity: Holo Rare
Illustrator: BERUBURI
Retreat Cost: 1
Weakness: Dragon
HP: 140
Stage: Stage 2
Card Type: Dragon
Name: Flygon
Finish: Holo
Attack #1: GFCC Flying Beatdown (80) You may discard a Grass Energy cand a Fightning Energy attached to this Pokemon. If you do, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
Attack #2:
Attack #3:
Card Text: Ability Sand Slammer
At any time between turns, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, put 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's Pokemon.
Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company
Ability: Sand Slammer At any time between turns, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, put 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's Pokemon.